

Welcome to ICCPR 2025! 
Welcome to the official website of 2025 14th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition (ICCPR 2025)! Computing and Pattern Recognition contribute greatly in the advancement of technologies. Rapid technological advancements can be achieved through continuous research. ICCPR series has been held successfully for 13 years since 2012. The conference papers of ICCPR published the conference proceedings by ACM since 2018. ICCPR 2025 sponsored by Beijing University Of Technology is going to be held in Beijing, China during October 24-26, 2025. The main objective is to create an effective platform for researchers and technical experts to share recent ideas, innovations and problem-solving techniques in the vast areas of Computing and Pattern Recognition. It will be a great opportunity for both research and industrial communities to meet, discuss and share their research outcomes. Prospective authors are invited to submit their original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings.


Important Notice! The organizing committee will not ask delegates to provide credit card information for any purpose. The registration will be completed only via the registration system.


Organizing Committee (Learn More)
  • Prof. Umapada Pal
  • Indian Statistical Institute, India
  • IAPR and AAIA Fellow
  • Prof. Zhitao Xiao
  • Tiangong University, China
Paper Publication and Indexing

To be published in the ICCPR 2025 Conference Proceedings, the author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present his/her paper. All papers in the ICCPR 2025 will be published in Conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science). 

Best Oral/Poster Presentation Award: One Best Oral/Poster Presentation will be selected from each session and the Award will be announced at the end of each session.

Best Paper Award: The Conference Committee will select 2 best papers among all accepted papers to grant Best Paper Award with 1000 CNY per paper as the bonus and certificate and the Award will be announced at the dinner banquet on October 25, 2025.


Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: Before June 05, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: On June 25, 2025
Camera Ready Deadline: Before July 15, 2025
Author Registration Deadline: Before uly 15, 2025
Join in as Delegate

Welcome to join in ICCPR 2025 as a delegate if you do not want to publish paper and present in the conference. The registration should be finished through the Online Registration System before the registration deadline.