Tiangong University/天津工业大学
Addr.: No. 399 Bin Shui Xi Road, Xi Qing District, Tianjin 300387, P.R. of China (天津市西青区宾水西道399号)
Web.: https://en.tiangong.edu.cn/main.htm
Tiangong University (formerly known as Tianjin Polytechnic University) is a state-run full-time institution of higher education, which is jointly established by Ministry of Education and Tianjin Municipal Government. In 2003, it received outstanding marks in the “Undergraduate Program Evaluation” sponsored by Ministry of Education. The 460-acre new campus has been completed in the scenery spot of Xiqing District since 2006. Currently, there are 1,600 full-time teachers and more than 800 administrative staffs in TJPU, of whom more than 800 are professors and associate professors. It has also specially engaged over 20 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and renowned foreign scholars as visiting scholars and part-time professors.
Recommended Hotel
Gongda Hotel (工大宾馆), Contact Tel.: 13672123337 (Sale Manager: Mr. Wang)
1. As the registration fee does not cover accommodation, it is suggested that an early reservation should be done. 注册费不含食宿费,建议您尽早自行预订酒店!
2. The hotels offer the group price if you mention the conference name "ICCPR 2024". 预定时提及会议简称“ICCPR 2024”可享受团队优惠价格。
3. The conference group won't reserve the accommodation for the participants and please do not tell your personal credit card or bank card information to the unknown persons. 会务组不负责参会人员酒店预订,请勿将个人信用卡或银行卡信息透露给未知人员!